Friday, June 05, 2009

The Letter M

Just as a sort of intellectual exercise, I was trying to see how many classical composers I could come up with whose last names begin with the letter M. Okay, so far: Mozart, Mendelsohn, Mahler, Milhaud, Menotti, Monteverdi, Mussoursky(sp?), Martino, Messaien.

Not too many. Let's try artists: Monet, Matisse, Michaelangelo, Munch. Hmm, even fewer there. How about writers? Moliere, du Maupassant, Miller, Michener, More, Mann, Melville, Matheson, Machiavelli.

Well, between composers and writers, about even. Trailing in the M artists. I guess that's the area I need to work on.


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