Thursday, May 31, 2007

General Blog(whoever he is)

Whew! Almost another week in the books. I wonder if anybody actually checks in here. For almost 2 months now I've been using this site as an alt news page(and other stuff, since you can add pictures in here), due to a "mysterious" problem with my computer. And of course for almost 2 months now I've been meaning to get this problem taken care of.

Well I do get to things when I get sufficiently fed up . Been meaning to start exercising again for the longest time now, and just launched that endeavor in the past 2 days(fed up with the spare tire around my middle), so maybe that resolve will carry over into getting this computer problem taken care of. Then I can go back to writing in the newspage, which people seem to actually read.

Music news:
Sent 6 tunes to a young guitarist in North Carolina this week who'd contacted me through my main website( ), will probably be received tomorrow if not by now. Hickory, NC to be exact. Hopefully some if not all the tunes will work out with the jazz ensemble there.
Got a new CD which is 90% there as far as being finished. Music of Sam Crain Vol 2 is the title, and it's all classical music from 1975 to 2007. I've got the CDs and they sound just fine. Just wrapping up the inserts, which we should have done next week. There's one player on there whose last name escapes me, which I'm going to try to find out in the next couple days. So far she's billed as Beverly Misterioso.
Am working on getting more of my classical music out into the world and am in the process of getting some of it copied. As far as the immediate future, I have a set of 3 short piano pieces, a piano Sonata--big steamy sucker in 4 movements-and 2 bigband charts. These 4 pieces I'd like to see out there getting played once in awhile.
Got a nice surprise email from a friend and fellow student from Peabody days('76-80). Another guitarist, who'd played on one of my tunes(no loitering)and had stumbled onto something of mine via iTunes. He wasn't a composer, at least not that I know of, but did have some fairly wacky ideas, including one for a piece for Guitar, Brake Drums and Salesman. I tried to write something after that, but I think it was one of those things that's a better concept than anything. Once you try to flesh it out you lose it. Or at least I felt like I did...
Picked up a gig I've had for a couple years now, for Horace Mann. This will be our 3rd year doing it. Trio plus alto saxophone(or I suppose tenor or bari). So that makes 2 gigs for June. It's usually the slowest month of the year for CD sales, but can be a busy one for gigs. This year I'm kinda proud of myself as I've taken care of(I think)all the pesky little details I was less efficient on last year. Getting to be a slightly better(or at least less shitty)businessman year by year..

Okay then. I guess that's the news for the moment. One more workday to plow through.


Blogger Unknown said...

I stopped in, altho it has been a year and a half since you've used this site. I see here that your original website is linked. I did not see that on the Roger Roundly site. How did I get there? Yahoo'ing for 'roger roundly', which is a name which I have used when someone demanded my name so they could file a complaint.

Oh, General Blog could have a street here in New Orleans along with a dozen or so real Generals. General Wm Tecumseh Sherman is missing tho; a shame since he founded LSU.

6:03 AM  

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