Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another Day in Paradise

Well the novelty will wear off I'm sure, but for the time being I really enjoy my bacon n' cheese sammich as a morning meal. On workday mornings,it's usually just coffee for me(got the 2 4-legged residents to feed anyway), but on these days off, gimme my b n' c sammich please.

Hope I didn't come down too hard on jazz whistlers and the like(see previous blog). What gets me about those guys though is that they seem to take themselves so damn seriously! They always seem to have some heavy connection someplace else as far as their career--well if so then what the hell are you doing here?!!

All I'm saying is just relax that shit. Pursue your art but have fun with it. There is a jazz harmonica player who comes down to some of my things and does not have any kind of agenda: he's just trying to get better at what he's doing, just like me or anybody else. No heavy connections in Chicago or DC or anywhere(though I think he might know some people in Glenarm...), no record contracts or tours or any other fabricated stuff.

And he always asks if he can sit in. The answer's always yes, but it is good to be asked. Our jazz whistler would just sorta walk up on the stand and join in, which useta irk me and really irk our bass player.

Okay then. That's my two cents. Actually I could credit my harmonica pal by one more: not only does he ask to sit in, he doesn't play through everybody else's shit when he does join us. Sorry to kvetch like this, but that's one thing that pisses me off about most harmonica players- they tend to play the whole time, with little regard for what's going on around them.

Where was I going here? Nowhere in a hurry it would seem. Anyway, if I were at work we'd say another day in Paradise. A shitty, iron-gray day, bright but without sunshine. I'm sure there's more despair in the air down at the office.

Sort of a gloomy day at the homestead, at least as far as the weather, but my ass is still on vacation- and for the whole week! Got enough food and drink for 3 animals' consumption for at least the balance of the week,plenty of viewing material on video/DVD(including a new Spongebob DVD!). So we're set.

Normally I write this drivel on my usual-and-customary musician site at http://www.samcrain.com/ but for some reason can't get into the admin page to write anything. Thank goodness for these alt-blogsites. Really, I should probably just keep the newspage to just that. News. Do my rambling here.

Well thanks for reading through this hoo-hah. For purely musical stuff, go to my regular site at, again, http://www.samcrain.com/ even though there's nothing new in the news since last week. So this is the place to check in for the time being. More as it happens, or at least occurs to me...


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