Friday, April 06, 2007

The POETS Club

POETS is an acronym for 'piss on everything, tomorrow's Saturday'. It was thunk up by a co-worker(we work for the State, where acronyms abound), and is celebrated most every Friday, particularly those which precede a day of leisure.. Embarking this time on not only a whole weekend, but a whole week besides that. My first actual vacation period since last November. Getting roughly 3 weeks a year, it's roughly a quarterly event taking a week off from the rigors of daygigdom.

I just noted that this is also my last post since November. Well if people would read this fucker I might write in it more often. Then again, it's tough to keep up several blogsites at once. Your stuff doesn't always fall conveniently into all your designated blog category slots- at least usually not enough to keep them all afloat. Something always sinks. I also have a movie blog( )which has grown a few cobwebs over the past few months. Got a few stray things to write in there as well over this next week or so.

The POETS Club celebration usually(though not always)involves a bit of the barley mixed into the proceedings. In other words, me tapping on the computer keyboard and swilling a beer or two. At present, am nursing #2 of 4 Coronas in the fridge. May or may not ingest all 4, but possibly one more after this.

Maybe it's just me, but there's something about that third beer. You have just enough alcohol in you to mellow you a bit, but not enough to make you stoopid. I once proposed marriage on this exact amount of beer in me, which went something like this:

ME: So how'd you like to be Mrs Sam?
HER: Okay, so how many beers have you had?
ME: Two and working on a third.

And the rest is history. She accepted, we got married, stayed married for awhile, got divorced. It happens. Jeez, how I got on this tangent I haven't the foggiest. Maybe 2 beers is enough to make you stoopid...

So, embarking on some time off here. Lotsa practicing this week, and hopefully some home recording. If so, and it's decent, I'll put it up here: , where I currently have a couple things from various CDs( for that stuff). But I like to mix it up on MySpace, vary the material. Had some recent home-studio things up there for a couple weeks.

My regular newspage on my regular 'musician' site( )is for some reason inacessible from my home computer, so this is the place for what were my 'newsentries'. Here I guess they're called blogs. But it's the same stuff, just on a different channel. At least for the time being.

Well, that third beer beckons at this point. Hopefully I won't do anything dangerous, like run out in traffic or propose marriage. Thanks for tuning in here. More as it happens.


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